Monday, February 13, 2012

Bat Mobile Parade Float Construction

Roberto, Elliot, and Megan all hard at work on the City...

The crew just f__cking around!

Berto is giving my handy work the durability test!

Berto and Megan were so proud of their magnificent creation!

This is the first stage of the batmobile construction!
Sara working avidly on stage two of the skeletal frame of the batmobile
Sara is gluing down the frame to the actual main body panel of the batmobile

and now for the other side

This is just a shot of some of the body panels and 3 dimensional panels that we constructed.

We made quite a few accent panels and this was also the first of 4 wheels complete.

Let the painting begin!
AS THE WHEEL TURNS... Santi did such a phenominal job of hand cutting every little hole in the wheels! WOW!
All 4 wheels complete.

Body Panel and placement testing!

Accent panels with paint!

This is a shot for the proper fittment of all of the body panels. I had to make sure they lined up just right, and they all did!

First paint layer on the city! Lookin' good kids!

This was the after burner idea we had. We mounted a smoke machine to it as well to create the perfect afterburner effect!

Tennah, Zack, and Sara are glueing down all of the parts.

Kendra and Elliot are painting all of the little detail panels

Casey is working on touching up all of the imperfections in the paint and covering up all of the over spray.

Here is our Batsignal design with the Flor d lis incorporated into the symbol! What an epic idea!

Steven is measuring out the main mounting bracket for the new, last minute nose cone idea!
Josh, Steven, and casey are are puting in last minute touch ups to the float.

Josh and Steven are constructing a saftey rail for the kits to hold onto.

Josh just got his self a Drivers seat for the Batmobile!

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